
Welcome to the Season 17 of the USMLB.

Monday, November 17, 2008


Welcome to the Sixth edition of the USMLB Daily. A lot of news and information will be in here and fun things will be added through out it. I hope that you enjoy and that the report will be up Monday through Friday till the end of the season. Draft information will also be added to the Daily report after the draft. Trades that happen from this day forward will also be added to the report. If there’s anything you would like me to cover or add (real or not) just let me know and I’ll do my best to add it.

Interview with the Boise Hurricanes from the National League West Division.
The team is below .500 for must of the season but if this team can get it’s bullpen in order I think they will make a strong run as the season get’s closer to the end.

So what are you goals for the season: “My goals for this season were to make the playoffs, however, at this point, if I keep blowing saves that might be an impossible dream.”
Having 8 blown saves already will hurt any team trying to make the playoffs but the season is still young and a good portion of it’s still left to play.

Why did you decided to move out of Colorado and come to Boise after last season: “My move to Boise from Colorado was solely because I felt like pitching in that park was giving my pitchers no chance to win games. So far this year it is working out better for me, but I'd like so see a little more improvement in the pitching department.”
I do think the has helped you pitching staff but your offensive has suffered a little bit from the move as well. The starting pitcher I believe has really improved but the bullpen is really hurting your team right now.

What team scares you the most to face: “The team that scares me most is the Pioneers. They are tough in that park that seemingly has no fence. And tomjames always seems to make the right moves at the right times, which is never good for any owner like myself”
For everyone’s information Tacoma does have a fence, just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it’s there plus flattery will not help you win the National League West.

Who do you think will make it to the World Series out of the American League: “In the American League there are some real tough teams, but I can't help but think that Phil Nitkowski will help the bravevawts ultimately get that World Series birth he so desperately wants.”
Well there the favorites every year and they disappoint the people in Atlanta every year as well maybe this might be a different story this season.

If there was one word to describe your team what would that word be: “Potential. I look at these guys and I see a team that has what it takes to win games and be a contender, hopefully, they will read this and agree.”
All the ablitliy in the world is nice but if you don’t know how to close out games your going to lose more then you should.

Anything else you would like to add: “I just love this league, and I would like to thank everyone who has been here since the beginning for being so good in helping me get settled in. As a new comer I feel like I am just as highly thought of as those who have tenure here. This has been great fun and I am excited with the idea that this league is here to stay.”
I think we all agree with that.

Burlington Ice Storm sent Abraham Guerrero (P) to the Milwaukee Bucks for Ivan Cedeno (1B). Rating: C
The Bucks got a good reliever that they needed to sure up the bullpen, while the Ice Storm got a low-end prospect that may have a chance in the majors in about four or five years so it will be a while before we really know the outcome of this trade.

Rumor Mill:
The Pioneers seem to be looking to trade some top name players and will follow this development as the season goes on.
The Gators have been asking some owners if they would like to buy there draft picks, no everyone knows that the commisoner would never let this happen but it’s interesting to see a team ask for that kind of trade.
The Stars have sent closer Jeremy Morris to a sports phsycholigist to find out what the problem is since they have done a long list of test and nothing physical is wrong with him. Well lets hope that he can get the help he needs because the team really needs him to close out the games for them.
Alberto Sanchez was signed from the Braves with a record setting signing bonus this year of 15.8m, which is still well below the record signing bonus of 21.3m for Hiram Suzuki in season 3.
We are still waiting for Vawt to explain to use what a Vawt is?

Poll Question:
The Indianapolis Clowns won the poll question and there new logo is up. Hope everyone enjoys it. A new poll question is up now

Useless Information:
No useless information is today as I don’t have the time to finish this completely as I need to pick up my son from the hospital. Stopped breathing on us during the weekend, but everything is fine now and the doctors say he should be good from now on so let’s hope. Well I guess this really isn’t useless information after all.

Trivia Question:
Which team one the first World Series? And how long did the series go?

The answer to yesterday Trivia Question:
Who are the only two players to win Major League Baseball's Rookie of the Year and Most Valuable Player (MVP) awards in the same season?
Fred Lynn in 1972 and Ichiro Suzuki 2001